
 Lua source code for the Lua/APR binding.

 Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
 Last Change: January 8, 2011
 Homepage: http://peterodding.com/code/lua/apr/
 License: MIT
 Version: 0.9.29

 This Lua script is executed on require("apr"), loads the binary module using
 require("apr.core"), defines several library functions implemented on top of
 the binary module and returns the module table as the result of require().


local apr = require 'apr.core'
apr._VERSION = '0.9.29'

-- apr.md5(input [, binary]) -> digest {{{1
-- Calculate the [MD5] [md5] message digest of the string @input. On success
-- the digest is returned as a string of 32 hexadecimal characters, or a string
-- of 16 bytes if @binary evaluates to true. Otherwise a nil followed by an
-- error message is returned.
-- *This function is binary safe.*
-- Part of the "Cryptography routines" module.

function apr.md5(input, binary)
  assert(type(input) == 'string', "bad argument #1 to apr.md5() (string expected)")
  local context, digest, status, errmsg, errcode
  context, errmsg, errcode = apr.md5_init()
  if context then
    status, errmsg, errcode = context:update(input)
    if status then
      digest, errmsg, errcode = context:digest(binary)
      if digest then return digest end
  return nil, errmsg, errcode

-- apr.sha1(input [, binary]) -> digest {{{1
-- Calculate the [SHA1] [sha1] message digest of the string @input. On success
-- the digest is returned as a string of 40 hexadecimal characters, or a string
-- of 20 bytes if @binary evaluates to true. Otherwise a nil followed by an
-- error message is returned.
-- *This function is binary safe.*
-- Part of the "Cryptography routines" module.

function apr.sha1(input, binary)
  assert(type(input) == 'string', "bad argument #1 to apr.sha1() (string expected)")
  local context, digest, status, errmsg, errcode
  context, errmsg, errcode = apr.sha1_init()
  if context then
    status, errmsg, errcode = context:update(input)
    if status then
      digest, errmsg, errcode = context:digest(binary)
      if digest then return digest end
  return nil, errmsg, errcode

-- apr.filepath_which(program [, find_all]) -> pathname {{{1
-- Find the full pathname of @program by searching the directories in the
-- [$PATH] [path_var] environment variable and return the pathname of the
-- first program that's found. If @find_all is true then a list with the
-- pathnames of all matching programs is returned instead.
-- [path_var]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PATH_%28variable%29
-- Part of the "File path manipulation" module.

function apr.filepath_which(program, find_all)
  local split = apr.filepath_list_split
  local is_windows = apr.platform_get() == 'WIN32'
  local extensions = is_windows and split(apr.env_get 'PATHEXT')
  local results = find_all and {}
  for _, directory in ipairs(split(apr.env_get 'PATH')) do
    local candidate = apr.filepath_merge(directory, program)
    if apr.stat(candidate, 'type') == 'file' then
      -- TODO if not is_windows check executable bits
      if not find_all then return candidate end
      results[#results + 1] = candidate
    if is_windows and #extensions >= 1 then
      for _, extension in ipairs(extensions) do
        candidate = apr.filepath_merge(directory, program .. '.' .. extension)
        if apr.stat(candidate, 'type') == 'file' then
          if not find_all then return candidate end
          results[#results + 1] = candidate
  return results

-- apr.glob(pattern [, ignorecase]) -> iterator {{{1
-- Split @pattern into a directory path and a filename pattern and return an
-- iterator which returns all filenames in the directory that match the
-- extracted filename pattern. The `apr.fnmatch()` function is used for
-- filename matching so the documentation there applies.
-- *This function is not binary safe.*
-- Part of the "Filename matching" module.

function apr.glob(pattern, ignorecase)
  local fnmatch = apr.fnmatch
  local yield = coroutine.yield
  local directory, pattern = apr.filepath_parent(pattern)
  local handle = assert(apr.dir_open(directory))
  return coroutine.wrap(function()
    for path, name in handle:entries('path', 'name') do
      if fnmatch(pattern, name, ignorecase) then

-- apr.uri_encode(string) -> encoded {{{1
-- Encode all unsafe bytes in @string using [percent-encoding] [percenc] so
-- that the string can be embedded in a [URI] [uri] query string.
-- [percenc]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding
-- Part of the "Uniform resource identifier parsing" module.

function apr.uri_encode(s)
  local byte = string.byte
  local format = string.format
  return (s:gsub('[^A-Za-z0-9_.-]', function(c)
    if c == ' ' then
      return '+'
      return format('%%%02x', byte(c))

-- apr.uri_decode(encoded) -> string {{{1
-- Decode all [percent-encoded] [percenc] bytes in the string @encoded.
-- [percenc]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding
-- Part of the "Uniform resource identifier parsing" module.

function apr.uri_decode(s)
  local char = string.char
  local tonumber = tonumber
  s = s:gsub('+', ' ')
  return (s:gsub('%%(%x%x?)', function(code)
    return char(tonumber(code, 16))

-- }}}1

return apr

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